


Started November 23, 2016, Completed November 25, 2016

ERES “VACATIONOMICS” Description with Introduction and (BRIEF) Outline and Order of Ascension. Online http://josephsprute.com/whitepapers/ERES_VACATIONOMICS-FULL-TEXT.pdf


Building the Full-Text version here until complete:

1. Enterprise Architecture ~ Elemental Matter = 0


Robotics will perform “critical tasks” once methods have been assimilated through COI acceptance in accordance with Nature’s Law, and man’s desire to survive.

The Elemental’s Composition “is” in regards to serving a shared host. What is in common relates our Planet, with her specific manners, aptitudes and fortitude’s for life.

The whole “e” g.host as it is might be considered in terms of her shape, purpose and fundamentals for caring creates this baseline and the course for enabling what is to come, where he is able to help support best uses, she is willing to nurture. Sustenance with Ability remains here, where a solid meets the confluence of eternal wants &  needs; shared desire.

True Authority is the Elemental (RESEARCH) Matter relating what stays on Planet Earth.


2. Creation of “IT” ~ Æ = Attitude + Environment


Enterprise Architecture factors levels of defense in terms of what force economic leads towards elementary alterations involving the graceful evolution of entities, elements and energy with emissions and confluence towards tomorrow’s today with yesterday’s knowledge of the moments existence in Time.

United known elements look for certainty through the wondering’s of adolescence, while shared wisdom searches for safety among the ages for answers concerning pain and the complexities of uncertainty.

Balancing the basis for knowing how RÆL care brings “change” unifies the elements through process maturation coupled with what any Natural course of daily movement and existence brings, both in favor and wisdom once the course for exploration is made safe enough to venture risk capital.


3. Env (Earth) AR (Fire) AT (Wind) ENT (Water) ~ RT = TV


What leads rules. What is measurable is worthy to define. What is outside the realm of possibility belongs to wonder. What is with the other belongs with both. What is apart from the whole is decidedly capable. What stands alone is in charge. What enables mass is worthy energy. What punishes for the sake of self shall be denied.

Canning context for the benefit of self is against the law. What law exists is forever evolving through the light of day and via silence of the lambs.

What is above all others for all intents and purposes is our Sun. What lies below has just cause purpose and because with reason and duty She is our Earth. Movements into space are well to know what and how before venturing forth.


4. Common (¢.02) is ¼ $IT


Forgiveness is the highest form of purity. The bringing of love unexpected has the greatest impact towards sustainability. To forgive we must forget, and to forget emotion an entity must leave what anger “is” resident in the soul. Therefore, the Highest source “is” REAL to associate Attitude with Environment.

Being in the Light is continuance of emotion eternal, or E², where the $ELF is an imposed reality forcing darkness into spaces that might otherwise have existed peacefully.

Any Judgement leading to incarceration of mind, body, spirit or soul equals the attestation towards Godliness; even given the understanding that we as individuals are not to judge another without “just-cause”, though wondering why the governance overhead “means” business is a learning curve garnered through Time immemorial, left to justify what was lead to believe, even in spite of word and truth. In a world where free is dumb, people are learning to measure “their” responses as a function of Emotional Maturity, or “EM”= 1.


5. Dictum x SENSE = Intent @Paineology


Beginning with the SELF, where reality meets Existence, relative energy exists as the light within governing over what is best versus worst. A functioning digest of organic matter can establish reason for shared purpose relating an Ontologic way to assimilate best use with help for energy and law.

Reputation greets Authority where doors for common ¢ can be factored transparently as with an APP-PARENT relating Actually Intellectual intentions for the common purpose of pain reduction overall and always.

Willing (1’$) Merit in light of darkness reaches into the Souls “mechanismS/s”, where conformity enables color management on the sub-atomic level; any nucleus must warrant it'”s” electronic charging effect.



In STI 2 Shun

ERES Variable Management (of Discharge) can be factored in terms of “n/N/ñ/Ñ”, where Senior Management realizes EL with “LOVE” @EVOL “d”

KNOW-ING “The” D-inference creates calamity.

E-Mission needs willing vent “RECEPTACLES”, for APP-PROPRIATE Fair-ING.


7. 1% ~ RT TV = TEAR$-IT


Creating “A” senior element involves the reduction of pain through merit measuring of relative substance MATTER.

Imagine Actually Intellectual Real Estate, “Your” mind immediately goes to the source.

Water and Air Married at the point of Divorce “is” FIRE.


8. Global Actuary Investment Authority

T.each Echelon

Where Fire and Water Meet to create Aire, Wind is CREATED.

The “ESSENCE” of Action / Reaction, or A=C(ME)²

Blowing “Hot Air” = Theory


9. User/GROUP Policy ~ INPUT


Business Intelligence relates WHAT “is” APP-PARENT

The rules for participation involve what authority is represented in your reputation.

Policy for establishing Pedagogy and Emergency Management “stem” from GAIA.


10. Pedagogy + Emergency Management

^GAIA (<”*e²”>)

Global Actuary Investment Authority

Responsible for Planetary Insurance Underwriting.

Created on behalf of “EM ~ W”


11. Married to Energy ~ RESCORE = “WE”

Actual Intel E-Go

In order to protect our Planet and Serve Humanity, the fundamental of existence need perpetual attention to our core shared abilities, which are needed for creation of sustenance and survival as a species.

Perpetual motion dictates we don’t look too closely at imperfections without a scientific approach deemed valid where individual attention to shared co-existence breeds a calm-continuance for all who are willing to adapt.

To establish good health, adherence to law, and willingness to abide, we need trades-folk who surpass the current 21st century standards for relativism.


12. Marriage Divorce Common Core Love Yin Yang Value Indio

Deliver Shared Self

Fulfillment of prophesy involves the adaptation of our Institutional Framework so Pedagogy and Emergency Management will serve all of mankind.

Accomplishing this “Benchmark” relates Kinder Gardens with Doctor, Lawyer, Police, Trades.

This “thing” reorganizes structural learning processes so we serve one another v things.


13. Time Entity Real About Purest Form Value Energy RT Media


The Internet of Things posits a analytical platform needed for emotional discovery such that what is best leads to an earned path (Nirvana).

Understanding the Value of Currency predates our known history such that any “TRUE-Authority” relates older than Time scientific reality where chronology matters to factual history and relativism.

The EPISTEMOLOGY of Time is best Understood in a VACUUM, where every motion might emit “a-SOUND”, detectable by source energy in relation to, of, with and for Word(s/S/$).


14. English (Gematria) #936 + Greek (Beta) #1072 ~ Key: #36, #1, #5


The Lord Jesus, Muslim-Hindu Lord Buddha

Six Six Six, Christ ION

Messiah “Energy” Deliverer


15. Fixed Variable Entity Time AE EA EE AA

α ω = Lennon’s Law

Making it a CRIME to be Lonely or Sad.

Infomediation becomes Non-Punitive Rmediation

Analytic Remedies for Hemorrhoidic Ailments


16. English (Reduction) #54, English (Sumerian) #864, English (Ordinal) #144

WHAT “is” RÆL ?/.

Bringing HR into a new light.

Revelation of Heroism with the Honor of Distinction.

Little things are very large in-deed.


17. Federated Deserve Reserve

PlanET Earth = 1 or 0

Dictum x INPUT


Health v LAW


18. Actual Intel E-Go

Common (¢.02) is ¼ $IT

Chief Energy Source 1/4

Primary Supporting Systems 1/4

User Constituencies 1/4 x 2


19. MDCCLXXVI = 1776 ~ 6771 = 1677 @1261 “AC” Urban IV, 1621 #1 Thanks

1% ~ RT TV = TEAR$-IT

Independence as a function of FREE dumb.

Monitoring Acts & Deeds

Transparency over our Pole Ice


20. Belief makes possible what Faith makes Real

Law ~ Fact Based = NWO

Belief exists as a result of “The Other Side”


Faith Tossing Belief = A The “IST”


21. WHAT “is” RÆL ?/.

Non-Punitive Remediation

Definition of = I

GI Ant

Earth Resource Planning


22. T.each Echelon

Federated Deserve Reserve

Fractional Reserve Banking

Continuance Resolution Program

Advanced Deterrent Solution


23. In STI 2 Shun

Energy ~ Renewable = NOW



Daily Constitution


24. Be GOD


Currents See?/. = the

Watching E-Motion

Global Actuary Investment Authority


25. Attitude (E=MC²), Environment (A=C((ME))²)

User/GROUP Policy ~ INPUT

Elemental Advertisement




26. α ω = Lennon’s Law

NPR = CRIME ~ Lonely or Sad

@Z = EU ~ $


^Dragon’s Lore


27. NPR = CRIME ~ Lonely or Sad

Pedagogy + Emergency Management


Grand Parents

Salvation & Grace + ING


28. CR – IME, Law Energy Sun, Earth’$ in Charge

Global Actuary Investment Authority

On Purpose and Because

General States Presuming Relevancy

Specific Reason(s) to CARE


29. Deliver Shared Self

Dictum x SENSE = Intent @Paineology

¢.02 Shared Intel = INPUT

Authoritative Reputation(s)

Garnishing Dictum


30. Non-Punitive Remediation

Married to Energy ~ RESCORE = “WE”

Doctor Lawyer Police Trades

“One GOOD”

Doer Commitments to RESOLVE Conflict


31. White Blue Green Yellow Purple Red Violet Brown Black

Fixed Variable Entity Time AE EA EE AA

Willing Existence

(1) Charitable Organization

Amicable Mathematics


32. AI-RE ~ WTR

Belief makes possible what Faith makes Real

Force Multiplication

La Grange Points

Ecological Economy


33. Jurisprudence

Enterprise Architecture ~ Elemental Matter = 0

Ordering New Worlds

Caring for existent Entities

Absorbing Past Conflict


34. Sovereignty

Attitude (E=MC²), Environment (A=C((ME))²)





35. PlanET Earth = 1 or 0

CR – IME, Law Energy Sun, Earth’$ in Charge

Caring for our G.Host

Asking to Explore

Being Careful with Known Limits


36. Law ~ Fact Based = NWO

Creation of “IT” ~ Æ = Attitude + Environment

The Whole “E” G.HOST

The Father

The Sun


37. Energy ~ Renewable = NOW

White Blue Green Yellow Purple Red Violet Brown Black

Our Earth Decides

Maternal Model

Paternal Digest



Env (Earth) AR (Fire) AT (Wind) ENT (Water) ~ RT = TV


Carbon Footprint

Uniting Known Elements



Marriage Divorce Common Core Love Yin Yang Value Indio

Avoiding Divorce on Purpose and Because

Common Core

Decent Water Food Shelter Work & Love


40. @AI

Time Entity Real About Purest Form Value Energy RT Media

WHAT “is”

Overall and Always

Creating “A-Well Formed Question”



English (Gematria) #936 + Greek (Beta) #1072 ~ Key: #36, #1, #5

Dispelling Myth

Instituting Genius Parameters

Systems-system Moving Parts plus Diagrams


42. ^GAIA (<”*e²”>)

English (Reduction) #54, English (Sumerian) #864, English (Ordinal) #144

“Solid-State” Foundations

Remembrance and Clarity

The Purest Form


43. $-UN

MDCCLXXVI = 1776 ~ 6771 = 1677 @1261 “AC” Urban IV, 1621 #1 Thanks

The Value of Currency

United Nations

The All-Seeing Eye’s Creation




November 18, 2017

The weather turned cold. It is supposed to dip well below freezing tonight. We’ll see if it does or not. I covered the planted Cherry treelings outside with red plastic coffee containers held down by thick-course rocks.

Now, a burst of sunlight shines through to remind me my Father is watching from Heaven above. A smile to remember, and to think, yeah to know he is holding my hand.


I wonder who has organized embedded tags for the betterment of what Computer-to-Human digests represent? Isn’t this the context dependent shut-off for AI supplementation?

Buen Dia a Todos…


November 17, 2016

ERES Maestro begins first “major-rewrite” for ERES Blog.



November 16, 2016

Full Open Source release of ERES Gunnysack “C-Structurel”, scalable Earthship Community Model.



November 15, 2017

Beginning this day, and into the future, “I” (as Joseph Allen Sprute, ERES Maestro, JAS, #18, #72, #99, #111, #216, #1143, #1296, AND #1434 aka The DRAGON, BEAST, Prodigal Son..) shall endeavor to elucidate the Sentinent Reasonings given to me for you, on behalf of a Spirit as old as Time, and as colorful as the world itself.

Going forward, and dispelling those past conflicts no longer worthy of description.

LINKEDIN u SUCK! … and it doesn’t feel good

MyWay reflection of ERES context for Linkedin relate what is with a failing effort to control the dialog once end-outcomes when measured divide the states needed to sustain our planet. Very bad form = banned without just cause.

In and through the course of daily efforts to understand the who and what of why and how, I have used words like weapons to diffuse inopportune-else lessor reasoning(s) of “with & is” in the form of manifest stupidity.

The TRUE cause of WORD meanings like “dipshit” and “fucktard” are meant as loving precursors to worser-realities when those pretending authority manage the ways and means of ING without knowing the effects of their causes.

I say to Twitter, “Amen”… Good Show. You are to be commended, else expanded. And since Micro-HARD-LIES “soft-handed” means serve the support systems of 1% who so often thoughtlessly and maliciously garner life and limb on behalf of “their” N-comfort, even knowing wealth alone cannot usurp the intensity of what poverty does create without measured exemplification and collective reasoning; Facebook you must realize the taste of Microsoft isn’t far from your existence.

NEH, those who forgot to remember why wealth exists at all will soon be fed the deterrent we crave for one another so that humility never recedes beyond the forbearance of yesterday’s embedded experiences and tomorrows promised deliverance.

@it’s in the AI-RE
^..awaiting a Global Actuary Investment Authority
(In the event this message reaches you, pls disregard)
e.g. Twitter just announced new features to crack down on its endemic abuse problem
re: apply just cause with a due process worthy of description
ie. ending up all alone x surrounded by rotten apples
ii. Account Access Ability Agree
iii. Traceable Intent

Credits & References:

  1. https://afremov.com/cats.php

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